Unit 44 Brief Advance Game Development Practices.

The Ten Pager GDD (Game Design Document)

Page 1: included a title/ Logo for the title of the game game title Time Turn Travelers. Included my contact information here as well. The Target platform of my game, seen as it is an RPG it would make sense for my game to target main line console platforms e.g. PS4, Xbox one, switch, PC as most RPG games in this genre are not limited to one platform as I would miss my target demographic for this game which would result in not selling very well. That’s why I have decided to release it on main line console platforms, due to this is where most of my audience reside on more main line platforms.mostly like I will release the game on the switch Frist as that has a bigger influence over all and audience and market. Following on form this my target demographic for my turn based RPG game would be for teens and young adults and would have an ESRB rating be rated T for teen in 16-18+ bracket as in my games content could contain violence,blood/gory, Suggest Themes, alcohol & drugs usage. The expected shipping date and estimate release of this game title will be released 2024.

Page 2: Story & Gameplay.

Gameplay of Time Turn Travelers.

Embark on your travels thought the world and time as you take control of 15 travelers each set out on their own travels with the own ambitions and story’s as you cross a 3D layed 16-bit world as you traverse and the land gain new Allies in your party each help each other with each their quest as characters taking part in turn based battles against multiply different monster enemies and bosses while gain Exp leveling up gain new abilities to use in battle as well as items to use and armor and weapons to equip to each of the 15 unique character all with their own unique roles that they can use in battle and in the over world of the game. With the new time turn mechanic experience a whole new take on turn based RPG battles as you manipulate the turns of time of you and your enemies by using timeline.use this ability roles of the characters in the over world and see each character and villains stories from past, present, and future and how time has effect the world and its inhabitants.

Main Story for the Game.(e.g. primary protagonist the Time Turn Alice)

Included beginning, middle and end or a cliffhanger at the end of story.The story take place in a alternative Fantasy world of the 14th to 15th century with historical based setting and with european influences.

It all started one morning at the dinner table where alice mum would strike a conversation and happened to mention her father accidentally ,alice ask what is it mum, her mother replied with a smile its nothing dear as she set out the table her mother realized it her birthday soon gift her a present an strange pocket watch which was original her fathers and that moment as her mother gave alice the strange pocket watch at that moment there was a knock on the door change alice life forever…

Alice after setting out on a journey will come across other travellers that will have common interest with her and form party bening travel companions. As other characters Aid her in her quest to find where she came form and getting closer to finding her missing father.


The main story follow Alice a girl who set out on a journey from a town to find answers about her upbringing and where she is really form and who her father is and why he left her and mother when she was only a little child, little dose alice realized her mother as keep from her secret about her illness for her daughter. alice ever since she was small ,always wonder about the world and the what wonders it holds and someday want to set want to be a set sail on and see what is over the horizon and beyond .Her mother seen her father in her, hold back the truth of her condition and illness as not to bunder her as it a parent ,no mother job to not push the burden to her special at a young age where her life is just being. Ever since her farther left reason in unknown not even know to her mum the only thing she got back form him was a strange pocket watch and a letter, as Alice farther was a sailor/ former pirate and a part of a lost forgotten civilization who once set sailed on the sky exploring the vast world. Alice dad at the time was a pirate Captain task of seeking out the time gears for for civilization found in the sky on his along journey that where he found soon to be his wife (Alice mum) Alice mother was from the ground while Alice dad belong to the sky’s however the more time that Alice mother and father spend together the became fond of each other and fell in love with each other the pirate Captain eventually settled down and the pirate Captain came down to the earth abandoned his quest to find the time gear and settled down with his wife and eventually had a child Alice however this happy would not last as Alice mother fell ill, with no cure available on the ground her farther took to the sky once again try to find time gear and he would think this would cure her wife.

Page 3: Game Flow.

How the player grows as Challenge increase. The player will level up via beating enemies/ bosses while learning the mechanics of both the battle system and over world mechanics as the player progress further in each of the characters stories new mechanics will be introduced to the player gradually e.g. more ability for the time turn mechanic new character skill, ability and role to play around with and the player process thought the chapter of each character enemies will be high levels, have different weakness to uncover, more variety of enemies, bosses some newly introduced as characters get to end of a chapter for that specific character.

How does the level of growth of Challenge in the game tie in with story?need to fin

Describing in game system of the game mechanics. (Experience points)- Exp will be gain in very battle when characters beat enemies/ bosses in turn based battle system. Gaining certain amount of exp will level the characters up the more the characters level the more Exp is need to get them to the next level. enemies and bosses will get more challenging as the player hose thought the main story and other characters chapters. Weather this be thought levels,weekness, or other ability,spell,weapons,armour,more HP,MP the enemies have will challenge the player. It will also challenge the player by change up tactics to beat the enemies/ bosses as each will have there own tactics in the battle system and will be challenging special the bosses.

(Money)-The money in the game can be gain thought many different mean like completing main quest, and townspeople side quest. Some character s in game can use the ability roles to require money either during battle or thought the overworld by either earn,stealing, or using the merchant or general store to sell/ trade item for money. Their are other method to gain and obtain money for other characters where they don’t have to rely on characters such the merchant, bard to make coin the blacksmith could make money via this character role by help out towns people by fix weapons, armour or they items to gain money.

(Items and crafting material)- their are a variety of items and thing to craft in the game which help in battle and in main story and side quest you get for the world’s inhabitants. Consuming items and equipping different item will have different effects on each of the character and Their status and attributes. Additional characters will be able to craft completely unique thing depending on their ability roles e.g. an apothecary will craft potions and thing to be used in battle while the blacksmith will craft weapons, armour to equip things on characters. they will gain new items and materials to craft thing depending on the characters roles and chapter they are on when progressing through the characters stories or main story.

(Abilities) the player will also gain new abilities for each of the characters as they level up and complete chapter of each of the characters stories and the main story, abilities will be varied depending on the character and their specific roles within the game. Also ability’s can be use in battle and over world on townspeople.

(Minigames that are in the game)

-(Fishing Mini Game) Their will be a fishing mechanic implement for each character to fish in locations where there is water in the over world. To fish get out the item rod and use it near water the characters will cast the line out use the Rod when you have a bit while repeatedly tap the A button and use the d pad or analogue stick in the direction of where the fish is going use the combo guide on right hand of the screen to telling in the fish however taping the repeatedly tap the A button will result in stamina running low and will lose the fish. e.g tips of fishing 1) Taping the A button in rythm will moving the d pad in the direction where the fish is going will help reel in the fish.2) Press the A button to fast and not maintain rythm will break the line however to slowly and the fish will escape.3)Always keep an eye on your stamina meter to as you characters will get worn out as quick or slow you press the A button waiting for the meter to recharge to get the right rythm and move in the d-pad in the right direction of where the fish is swimming at the right time will nap yourself a fish. 4)Also how to cast your line in to the water using the d-pad hold down to get ready to cast up and press A to release the line. 5) you can use the up and down in the d-pad or analogue stick to make your line short or long this depended on the distance of the line/ float can result in different catches this feature can also be used to draw fish in. 6) Watch out for the visual signs like a dark silhouette figure in the water when the time is just right and it nibbles on you baited hook press and hold A until the fish starts move and splash start occurring then Tap the A button in rythmic flow.7) To quick quit out of fish mode press and hold B for a few seconds. 8) some time the fish can jump out of the water while try to reeling the fish in,when this happens at the right time press down on d-pad or analogue stick and press a to move the fish close to the the characters this will get the fish in quicker if your timing is right.9)The fish can some time play dead and stop for a while when this happens hold down A and use the d-pad or analogue stick and tap down to draw the fish in slow to fast and the fish will break the line be alert when fish stop/ plays dead as it could start struggling again which if you were count off guard and time tap A wrong time the fish will escape.10)Fishes will have different patterns, behaviours and stamina depletions level this will a depend on how rare the fish is. 11) fishing sometimes has its surprise like you can end up fishing up items,money or even new enemies to fight in battle.also fish can have items on them when you catch them sometime.Additional you will be able to customize you rod, float and hook. Depending on the time and season will Depend on what fish you catch.Fish compendium will also help the player keep records of each fish the have catch and how many are yet to discover.Upgrade or find new rods to increase rare catches And increasing stamina bar Plus increase other attributes.

-Lockpick mini game (for the Thief Character)

(Other Unlockables)- During the late game player will find god shrines which will allow each of the characters to learn a second role/Job allowing them to take on a different profession for their original role.

After complete main story and all characters stories line and you have reached the end game excluding new game plus content the player will be able to unlock the full extent of the time turn ability during battle and in the over world.

Additional Unlockables. After finish both main game and post game content.

-Infinte MP

-God like weapons, armour,items ,character abilities, very rare crafting material.

(Secrets)-Secret references form other games will be in the games over world and battle system e.g. Pokémon,Octopath Traveler, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy. Please note that these Secret references for other game can take on things that can be used in game.

Page 4:Characters and Controls.

Main Characters in the stories range form and the player get to control during game play and story:

The player can change their party members in the over world Via going to location on the map e.g. town,cities and visiting the local tavern in that location. Character in the main story and throughout each of the individual characters stories will have adopted the culture and use of language of the 14th to 15th century. Player will start their journey by pick one of the 15/16 characters via the world map of where each character start his/ her adventure. When the player has picked a character to start the game with their storyline will start in tandem with this the main story line involving Alice the time turner. Each of the characters will have a different encounter with Alice the time turner for whatever character the player picks first at the beginning of the game.This mean that every time you start a new game ever new playthrough will feel fresh as the story will change slightly to suit the character you have pick and so will how you meet Alice and relationships between the two, this can change aspect like story, dialog, and character interaction and relationships between all of the characters.

  • Time Tuner Name:Alice has the ability to use time turn ability to manipulate time in battle and in the over world, this will be the main ability use through the game and key mechanic of both the turn based battle system and overworld with the stories.
  • Vampire can drink the blood of enemies in battle restoring Hp and gain new effects. She can also use the ability in over world on sleeping victims which grant the character new abilities to traverse the world via Turning in to mist/ swarm of bats and speed, strength are boosted during battle lasting a certain amount of turns. They also have the power to turn part member into a vampire.
  • Cleric e.g.priest/ Nun. Has healing abilities during battle and can heal party members with their healing abilities the can also protect other characters during battle also.
  • Apothecary/alchemist can make all sorts of items in battle e.g. healing items,restore MP items,and other power potions.
  • Merchant can collect money for Foes, trade and buy items for townspeople in the world. Can also hire help in battles.set put bounty contracts out in local tavern allowing them to get rare items, weapons, crafting material, armour.
  • Mechanist can craft steam power machinery that helps in battle e.g. weapons, mecha suit ect. The mechanist can use machines to help townspeople out in the over world and use the machine to dig underground find item the player can not get anywhere else in the world.
  • Hunter/Tamer as the ability to tame monster and creatures in battle via using beast lore or set a trap to help tame the beast or monster. The hunter can provoke townspeople in the over world with Their ferocious animal companion this forces them into a battle. The hunter will also be able to track rare creature and monster in the over world to tame.
  • Black Smith can craft weapons armour and other useful items via the in game crafting system. Weapons/armour can lose the effectiveness when used the blackSmith can fix them again also will be able to help out towns people in the over world if they need something crafting or fixing.
  • Warrior ability allows the player to duel/ challenge townspeople in the over world , he can also assist in battles that townspeople have conflicts with other towns people or beast or monsters.
  • Dancer ability role is that they can allure townspeople in the over world word And in battle creature and monster can become mesmerized by her beauty falling in love.
  • Bard ability role is they can entertain towns people with music give him more reputation and recognition win the heart and mind which can earn him items, money. He during battle he can raise morale of the part boost status by play music/ songs. As well the bard can get people dunk which will decrease the the bards reputation with towns people in the over world earn less money and items however you can manipulate the drunk to perform actions which give the bard benefit such as take advantage of the dunk and give the bard items more money ect.the bard can get character s in their party drunk too which during battle can boast some status and raise others in the over world this will trigger comedic events for the player. To enjoy.
  • Thief ability role is that of being able to steal items for towns people with a percentage chance of it falling or succeeding. during battle he has high percentage to steal items for enemies/ bosses. He can lock pick chest and other lockable contain thought out the over world and steal more valuable items. Also during battle the thief can side step enemy attacks for few turns.
  • Scholar ability role is that they can scrutinize town people and get valuable information for them in the over world.He can also blackmail them into give up valuable info. During battle he can read the weakness of enemies/ bosses.
  • Detective ability role allows question people actions in the over world to find out what’s has happened and gathering evidence and solving town people problem or mysteries in the over world while using the ability detectives eye to seek out evidence to alive the case.During battle the detective can use ability deduction allowing this character to see the move of a enemy before they make it for a couple of turns.
  • Shapeshifter ability role can shape shift in animal, monster or person of what it see or can recollect in the over world which allows this character to take on any ability role for a certain amount of in-game time this ability can be used to infiltrate place where neither of the other characters can get into in the over world. Can also use the ability in battle to mimic appear of enemies / bosses which can cause confusion status effect among enemies attacking their own allies side. The player can also use this ability in battle another way, by mimic the appear of an enemy found in groups allowing this character to use status effect to effect the other foe side of the battle filed give the player a turn on the enemies turns this ability via called infiltration.the player need to be mind full of this ability as the could attack the own party member.

Show controls mapping for game on controller.

The Player will get to control each of these character thought their play through of the game each playing through their own stories lines. Each character will have specific role that are their profession in the world which they can use in the over world and in battle of the game.

Basic controls.

For the Nintendo switch other controls for other platform many vary.

To move character thought the over world and select category its the left analogue stick or D-pad.Note this will be the same for all platforms the game is on.

To utilize each character ability role actions when interaction with towns people press Y to access the main press plus + or X and to access the map press minus – and press the A button to talk and interact with the over world. This will be the default controls the player change pick customize controls in option/ settings menu to change the configuration and layout of controls for the game. Make an illustration for controls for switch.

Page 5:Main Gameplay Concept & Platform Specific Features.

OverWorld Gameplay Concept.

This RPG visual aesthetic of the overworld and battle area will be a cross between 3D model with a 16-bit art style overlay with the 3D models therefore gameplay in the over world will have the player traverse the over world in 3 dimension than that of past RPGs where their world would be on a flat plan however my game will utilise 3D model to give the visuals real depth and layers to the world with its 16-bit art style it will be similar to Octopath Travelers visuals. Where characters will travel and explore this vast overworld performing unique ability role action on townspeople, solving their problems, take quest/ missions each with their own stories ,discovering items and abilities along the way with your party 15-16 Travelers. The game play in the overworld will be from a third person perspective and the fix camera will follow the player through the 3D layered 16-bit environment.

Gameplay features for the over world.

  • Player can interact with NPC enter builds, dungeons,town city’s ect.
  • Player will also be able to buy, sell and trade items for local merchant or shops.
  • Player can interact with towns people in the area in different way depend on the character and their roles e.g. with the Thief character you can steal items for the NPC you have a percentage chance to steal the item depending on the item and it value.
  • Be able to use the time turn ability outside battle in the over world to go forward or back in time for characters story’s, events, quest and to see the changes of the world, and it’s inhabitants e.g. people,monsters ect.this will change change story’s outcome of the main characters, villains stories, weather it be good or bad or somewhere in between.
  • Their will also be secret ends also for each character and villains stories.

Main Gameplay Concept (Battle system)

My game genres are a Turn Based Fantasy RPG (Roleplay game) Players will be familiar with its main gameplay concept of the RPG genre where you have a party of c likeable character that set forth on a quest,while gain exp to leveling up each character gathering item, finding new abilities, fighting enemies and taken down bosses while advancing the story forward in the form of turn based strategical game play as like with most RPG of which my game will still follow this main gameplay formula with its similar features.However this RPG will take you on a completely different turn on your main traditional turn based battle system RPGs, their the player will engage in a turn based battle system with it own unique time turn mechanic implement in to the turn based battle system. This mechanic allows the player to turn the hands of time as they see fit during battle this allows the player to manipulate the timeline of the turn based battle system meaning that the player as complete control over the actions in the turn battle allow for another layer of strategic battle you can even close this system to combo enemy and bosses. Here is a written and visual representations of the time turn mechanic. E.g the time turn mechanic could be utilised before the battle commences by click on the time turn icon on the user interface.A timeline of the fight will be display you can change a number of actions as seen on the timeline like the turns of the player and enemy player so if party was took by surprise and attack first you could used the time turner and used it for you to go first instead by change it in the timeline you change how you can approached the battle.This can also give the Enemies certain advantages depending on how the player changes the timeline and what they change in will affect what action the opponent enemies will do on their turn. Obviously the main (time turn) battle mechanic concept will be implemented so that the player dose not take advantage of this mechanic via implementing a cool down or to put a system in place where you have to take your turns in order to charge up so it can not be used constantly during the turn based battles. The shield icon for enemy and each character can be broke past in inflict more damage and to become incapacitated for one turn, this feature can be used and utilized in many different ways during battle. Such as their is an option in battle under defend called shield this grants the player more shield at the cost of SP/RP during battle.The player will be able to choose who gets each shield and how many for each of the party members.other battle option will included attack,defend this option can be used variety of ways such as defending party members for attacks or defending the character of which turn its from attacks, item,flee, taunt,change Style Stance this allows the player to change the stance if a character during battle which in turn change up how they play in battles this depends on the ability role of the character though e.g. take the thief role, his/her class will change to normal battle stance to stealth stance with allow the player to not be hit for a certain amount of turns.Other characters will have different style stance for their own different roles. Style stance change only last for a certain amount of turn before characters go back to their original battle stance.

The time turn mechanic will start off with it basic ability allowing the player to only look forward in the timeline by a few turns and change them.

This time turn mechanic can also be used the over world of the game as long was the player choose not to use it in battle and if it has enough charge to be active when In the over world. When using the time turn ability in the over world it can effect an number of thing like NPC’S,Merchant Shop (and other shop found within the over world),quest ,items ,events ,beaching storyline for each character ect. It can also have effect the player during turn based battles via change in environment, or weather effects during combat as well as the in game clock which can make enemies more strong at night which can very thought the day. So will the in game season affect the player also during battles too and the current environment the player is fighting in.

Other platform special features in game

  • In game clock & day night cycle.Time turn ability will also affect the ingame clock and day& night cycles.
  • Change season as time passed e.g. Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn.Time turn ability also effect the season of the game too.
  • The time turn mechanic of the game will have new abilities as the player progress through each of the character branching stories these new abilities are:
  • Rewind allowing the player to look back though the timeline and use past turns or save them only up to a certain amount of turns.
  • Time lock ability allows the player to stop one enemies turns for a certain amount of turns.
  • Time Dilation allowing the to slow down couple enemies turns make the player be the first to make their turn however the enemies will get Their turn a few turn down the timeline.
  • Synchronise With this ability this allows the player to combine two attack together either form pervious past attacks done in the time line or they can use their own attack they have not done yet and combine them instead of using one pervious use in past turns.

Page 6: Game World.

loacations in game world.

The game take place in a fictional fantasy world of the 14th to 15th century with european influences. The world is roughly divided into 15-16 areas where each main protagonist will live in different location and the game stories is broken up into chapter meaning that the story can be tackled in order weather be linear or nonlinear, it up to the player and they preference of who stories the want to do first.

  • Steampunk town a town cloak in a dense fog due to the town be initially mechanical as the town runs off steam powered machinery surrounded by nature half forest leading into a rock terrain landscape.
  • Forest and woodland Areas. The forest and woodland are enchanting,magical and mysterious however is a dangerous place for travelers passing thought as most travelers who have ventured into woodland or forest are either attack by wolf. Some are never heard from again.the woods and forests has many trails so it’s easy to get lost and lose one’s bearings.
  • Grass plans, rolling hills/ fields/ meadows, with narrow path roads enough to keep a traveling merchants horse and chart on the rickety worn path.
  • 14th/ 15th Towns and villages scattered around the world of which some protagonist may start their adventure/travelers in.Where any weary Traveller can rest the head at the towns or villages local Tavern inns.
  • Grotto’s, Caves/Caverns, Mines, Tunnels. These are places are occasionally detours for adventure who want to go off the beaten path in search of discovery.
  • Mountains Ranges E.g. inclines passes,Highland Areas which is up north and near mountain and Has more rough terrain travelers take care when venturing in this harsh, cruel environment with it cold snow climate.
  • 14th/ 15th century Cities. A sprawling cities with many sight and places to get lost in weather that be adventuring through the vast city and local residence, shops or exploring the labyrinth underground of the sewers or catacomb . Also good place for wondering travelers of many sorts to come and stock up for the road ahead.
  • Rivers & Streams, Springs,Lakes, Lochs.are fond thought the land and are a good place for an travelers to stop and rest and do a bit of fishing.
  • Port towns/main ports in big cities. A grand sea port where trades and merchant alike come across far and wide to sell, trade good with one another.while all mania of sea worth ships dock their to also do trade and business.
  • Ruins.Explore forgotten fragments for the past as travelers plummet into unknown depth of the ruins Where treasures and mystery are long lost since been forgotten by people.
  • Secret Paths e.g. like The path of no return.Is a location of which once pass the is no return. for travelers who want to expand their horizons and get lost in another land of mystery.
  • Coastal Areas. An area of which land meets the vast sea Weather traveler come to coasts as passed by or seek passage to further off lands via the ports that provide safe passage from pirates. Coastal areas are where some villages or towns have ports where travelers come a go thought.
  • Shrines location are throughout the world some are story related and some are use for abilities and some require you to solve the mysterious to/ rumours of folktales and legend.
  • The place that time forgot a place that was lost, many legends, myths, and folktales surround the place but know know if it even exist traveler have search to find the place but failed, there was one man that went in search for the place but ever returned on his quest to find the place that time forgot.

In what way do these locations tie into the story?

The mood of which each areas of the games world and what it evokes. In the games world each of the areas would evoke a variety of moods to the player like

Shrine locations in the game will evoke serenity, and reminiscence fin this

Each of the location within the game world are connected through a series of branching paths which take them to different locations and setting thought the world. These path connect to each other in a nonlinear fashion giving complete freedom of control over where your characters path might take you which reward the player for exploration and going off the beaten path. There is no central hub location of the game as this game is not on a path linear experience it is a world which gives a whole area to explore and get lose in.

Included a simple flow diagram of how the player would navigate the world.

Page 7: Interface.

Battle System Interface. Will incorporate a few a selection box where the character can perform different action in battle these being Attack, skill,item, defend, flee,taunt, style stance The attack option will incorporate a selectable weapon toggle to switch between weapons in battle. As for the characters they will have their own HP bars and SP bars displayed on the right hand side of the screen next to the characters name. Next to their name they will have the time turn gauge cool down for the time turn ability. On the top left of the battle screen their will be the timeline display the turn of enemies and party members and next to it the icon to use the time turn ability.Their will be a shield icon displayed next to each enemy and each character names.

Victory screen interface.

When the player is successful in battle a victory screen will display on screen showing the player current level and Exp bar also how much Exp was gain during battle and money on the right hand side of the screen on the left it will display the item obtained during battle.it will also display the battle field and character striking a pose when the player has beaten and enemies or boss.also display on the right will be how many RP point/ HP point the player has earn to this is to unlock more ability role for each character.

The Player main Menu interface includes

World map this allows the player to view the map and their location this also will let the player know what chapter each characters is on and where they need to go to progressive with each of the characters stories.

Journal this allows the play to view/read past events of the main story and each of the characters stories and also give unique insights to the characters and what they think/feel.

Inventory this is a place to keep all manner of items in along your travels.

Status this allows player to view a characters stats, attributes level, weapon type ect.

Equipment this is so the player can equip weapons and armour to boost overall attribute, status of the characters by going on to equipment and equip things like armour weapons ect. you can customise which items you want to equip to that character.

Healing this option in the menu can be used to heal up all party member at once which make it quick and easy to up HP.

Miscellaneous this option is where the player will find other options such as brightness level of game, tutorials for the game basic controls/ mechanics, Voices, music,ambient sound effects vol, and other game setting that and be altered.

Skill/ Abilities this is where the player can unlock new skill and abilities for their characters their is also a sub mein in this for ability roles where you can unlock alternative abilities for the characters role.

Job/quest menu this is where all ongoing quest/jobs for NPS’s are kept so you can keep attack of what quest you are doing and what the quest/ job entails it will also included other note worth info such as rewards Exp, money and items earn from doing that quest/job. This we also go for the main story and other characters stories also.

Players Time turn mechanic interface in the battle system and over world. On the left hand side of the screen they will be an icon to use the time turn ability in the over world.

Included a simply flow chart of how the player will navigate the interface.

Other interfaces menus.

  • Merchant and general shop menus.
  • Overworld interaction menu with all NPCs.This will be display when characters walk up to interact with NPS bring up
  • Main map interface.This allows the player to check profession such as where on the world to progress the stories of each character and main story also side story’s and where the game can be save in the overworked via save points as well as other things like hidden items etc.thus main map will be located at the bottom right as the default option this can be change in setting to place the main map and can be placed whichever side of the screen the player would prefer.

The mood That is evoked with the interface screens is that of

Page 8: Mechanics,Power ups and Gameplay mechanics. Done them their in page 5 & 4 move them to paged 8.Here

Page 9: Enemies & Bosses.

Bosses and enemies in the game will have more detailed and bigger sprite/pixel art than that of the main characters who will have 16 bit sprites.

Enemies the player will face during their travels.

  • Townspeople and inhabitants of different type can be engaged in battle e.g. guards, warriors, merchants,thief Ect.this included of all player roles also can be an enemies.other people enemies bandits, guards,pirates,nobles and story related characters.
  • Monsters and beast Bats, wolf’s,foxes,saber cat Dragons, slimes, possessed armour, titans, marionettes ect other mythical and legendary creature banshee, mermaids, sea monster serpent, kraken,hydrea,chimera,Phoenix, lockness monster, Wyvern,Sirens,Werewolf.

Bosses the player will face during their travels.

-Chatting Hand this is a hand that take on the form of a mouth is fingers are like teeth and the main Parm, and back hand form inside of the mouth and it’s tongue is a made up money and arms with hands of a person.

Page 10: Cutscenes, Bonus Material And Comps.

Cutscene of the game story will be presented thought character exchanging dialog in the over world game play style, while voice actors will deliver the line of the characters saying the dialog which is in the dialog box displayed on screen.This will be for all main character, villains stories in the game. The cut scene will appear through the game and each of the games location as each character that you recruit will be in different location throughout the over world and all with their own stories. Choosing location to start in at the beginning of the game will give you that character Cutscene ambitions and why they are set out on their journey. Each character and Their Cutscene will be divided in chapter between location of the world map it up to the player to choose a path to led them to new location where other characters that will join your party and they own stories to complete Cutscene therefore will appear throughout the game for beginning to end of the locations.The Cutscene will be created using the ingame engine as with most RPGs and their cut scene all asset have been made already to do the Cutscene.

The player will be able able to unlock A new game plus which follows on form the main story giving new storyline to each character and new land to explore as the player has access to the vast sea and multiply new location, islands and even explore the sky’s this will included new enemies and bosses, items, armour weapons and abilities pervious assessable for complete main story and all of the characters stories on your first play through. Additional to this new game plus player will get a chance to make an adventure guild of sorts and exploring new locations for setting sail to new Island traveling the vast sea, taking flight to the sky’s is search if adventure and discovery. Player will also get to see what happens to hour character after their have completed their individual stories of the main game. There will be a story that brings the party members together again to for fill their life long dreams this us how the adventure guild is formed between hour protagonists Each going on adventure and help each other to for fill their dreams. E.g. like the merchant wants to open up his/her shop, the bard want to open up a music school and spread Entertainment thought the land and to be know as the best entertainer in the world. This add content will have the player build up an adventure based for each of the characters in the party to fulfill their dreams.The base will be build up gradually as each protagonists will team up again to go on quest, exploring new locations finding,new knowledge, items,relics, abilities, weapons, armour and much more while taking in quest which will have their own stories for each of how protagonists.

Incentive to play time turn travelers again new post game content and branching story narratives for each character and different timelines and event that unfold which can be good or bad depending on the path the player has chosen during characters stories for the main story and other characters stories.

Other games my game will be competition with is FF7 remake (final fantasy 7 remake), Dragon Quest 11, Pokémon and the game that i took inspiration from Octopath Traveler to name a few big JRPG that Dominant today’s market for Turn based RPGs and are well know thought the industry and the public.

My contribution to Trails of Tartarus game.

What I am doing for the game trial of Tartarus and my overall contribution.

-Level Design- layout crypt level design in Unreal engine 4.

-Enemy/ bosses AI on Unreal engine 4.

-UI interface on Unreal engine 4.

-Other mechanics included dash mechanic, stanmima, minimap, heavy attack mechanic , game over screen, minimap icons, player death event e.g. death cone, health bar and stamina blueprint checks.

Tutorials for Unreal Engine 4 form other creators

Hyperlinks references:

Game over screen-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x3_qsmPzPs

How to create a basic Mini Map part 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUV_VfiGro

Upgrading our Mini Map Part 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrhD9u5rWC0

Creating a stamina system and bar- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPGazvSnIBQ

Creating a sprinting/ running system- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVb45wHki7s

Health bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSlVL0t49Qo

Dash Movement- https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=mmn9AZx5sg0

Enemy Ai-reference video joes tutorial on teams in files.

Show enemy Ai Health bar Above enemy Head-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39jqBEqgPh0


Here are screenshot of my contribution to the collaboration project Trials of Tartarus.

The screen shot above and below is a blueprint of my dash mechanic as the name implies this gives the third person playable character where the player has control of the ability to dash in the direction that player is facing this does this by the launch character blueprint and connecting the launch velocity execute to make vector then get times values which are connected to break vector and the execute is then connect to a forward vector which will allow a player to dash forward with the speed of the times values this then is connect to the target, the character movement.

Form the launch character we will set an input action so that when you press that certain key he will dash when it is pressed this execute is connect to 3 true or false branched values that branch off to set certain condition for hour player these will be interlaced for true to false with the 3rd execute true value connecting to the launch character blueprint. The 3rd branched value will be check if how stamina is greater than 20 this is the condition for and if true launch character.

The second branched true false value condition is if the character is falling targeting the character movement if this is false then character will not be able to dash when falling. The first true and false branch condition will correlated with the third branch condition where if the first branch current stamina is less than 15 then player will not be able to dash. Then form launch character blue which will launch character we want is so after dashing it disable the players input this is where disable input and get player controller blueprints white execute will be connected to launch character, get player controller exeture will plug in to disable input in to player controller port execute after this blueprint make it so where the player will take 15 stamina, the player will need a delay of how long you can disable input for so the duration will be 0.4 of a second following this i we need to make it so that after the player as dash and input are disable for 0.4 enable player input again with the enable input Blueprint this execute then follows on to cast third person character give the player control of your player character then for object execute will be connect to the get animation instance of the mesh of hour charter this will make it so it rests animation of character. End of cast character when need to set a variable is in air then target hour cast character to tick the check box making it so character is in air he can not dash. i set a gravity scale as my character was dash out the level this gravity scale makes it so character gravity is heavy to prevent the dash off the map when playing. This blueprint will allow player to dash but not abuse the mechanic.

This is the stamina system for the player character in game. When player presses left shift on keyboard the stamina system will run. When shift key is pressed certain condition will be check like characters movement, if character is stop sprinting on landing, halt sprinting for instance these are conditions in place so that if the player does any of these ture or false condition it will make sure the stamina system can be abused via another action in the blueprint i have made sprint speed graph so that the player builds up gradual speed as he sprint in game this is the blueprint that triggers this sprint speed blueprint this is connect to a set max walk speed and targeting hour character movement. On the branching sequences blueprint this removes stamina for the player branch with other conditions making it so it refill stania bar again when player sprints and another condition that when player falls is stop draining the stamina as the player is fall and not sprint when falling both refill and remove stania is connected to a timer check if player has stamina or does have enough stamina so it can add or taken way the stamina. At the end of second sequence blueprint is a halt sprinting blueprint this tasks to a previous condition at the start for the stamina system making it so that when the shift key is released it will halt character sprint and will also stop sprint when player stamina reaches zero.

This screenshot above is of a blueprint where if the player walks into a spike/ cone mesh the player will die. This blueprint does this when the player is on component hit e.g. when player hits cone then is is targeting third person character cast, After this then trigger the player death as the blueprint in the screen shot depicts. Making sure that all execute are connected to each other giving the blueprint the power making sure we target the cast player so that kills hour player additional connecting cast character to the object of other actor on component hit blueprint.

Here is my created widget of my main player UI in the designer port view this is what the player will see all the time when they are controlling the third person playable character, this included health bar, stamina bar minimap, and full map screen these components were made via the searchable palette in the designer view port of the created widget by dragging in either image or progress bar as you can see on hierarchy of your widgets when i dragging in anything to the designer i anchored them making sure the stayed where i placed them.

Here is the created material blueprint for my mini map making into a circle when it appear on the player screen i made an circular alpha in photoshop so that it would be the texture sample for my minimap. Using the selected texture sample in the designer view port and your minimap materials blueprint (first i will need to create my mini map in the designer viewport) connecting the texture sample execute to find colour execute on the minimap materials next i found my apha or black and white png file in the right hand side in materials expression texture base menu making sure that minimap martial bule blend mode is set to masked and material domain is set to UI before doing this, it show appear in the preview view port on the right, selecting the alpha should appear in blueprint space when it selected in texture get the grey execute and pug it in to minimap materials under opacity mask applying the alpha which will create the mini map TO appear circle in your widget designer UI as seen in the preview port.

This is my enemy icon and arrow icon for the mini minimap. Saving these a an PNG file with no white background in photoshop so that the background white does not display on the mini map as a white square. i right click them in unreal in content viewport to create a material for them to start applying them to my UI interface.

This is the material for the minimap enemy icon for it to be displayed in the mini map. This is displayed by the texture sample executes connected with the material blueprint the the RBG must be hooked in to the colour base in the material material blueprint and the gery execute alpha connect to the opacity in material blueprint this will make it so that the icon is displayed on the mini map as you see in the preview viewport of what in will look like on the player UI.

This is another created widget for my game over screen UI for the player in the designer port view this is what the player will seen when player dies. I used a PNG image for the internet as a placeholder for the usually game over logo for the screen this logo is form dark souls game over screen. I created a retry button so when clicked it replay the game.

These blueprints will trigger after the player as died the first blueprint the event tick will set it so when player dies it set to as how mouse cursor on screens UI the target of this will get the player controller so it talks to that return value so it know to give the player the controls to move the mouse curse on the UI screen. The next blue print will make it so that when the player click the retry button on the UI heads up display it will set the mouse cursor off as the player clicks the retry button the set variable will then target the player control so that the player is able to click on the head up display at the end of the set variable the execute will connect to open level blueprint this allows as soon as the player click the retry button on the game over screen UI that the level will reset click the checkbox to absolutely to make sure it open up the level when player clicks retry on the game over screen.

The blueprint to the right is an animation making it it so that when the player dies and the game over screen appear on the player head up display an animation will play were the death screen fade to black.

The bottom blueprints are for the enemy hitbox to trigger when blue print on component begin overlap branch blue pint with a condition is enemy dead if this is false cast to hour character blueprint (third person character) then is link to a set variable check to see if the enemy hot box is overlapping player if so the enemy dies if it is then this kills the enemy player if not the enemy doesn’t die as illustrated thought these two blueprints.

The top blue print is to make it so that the enemy will follow the player character, on see pawn which the is enemy field of view which can be changed in view port of the enemy this is then cast to the third person which target hour player character then the execute is then connected to the ai move to blueprint the pawn blue execute of as third person character is link to target actor in AI move to blueprint and pawn execute is player self reference this make it so that the enemy will move to the players location when you in the enemy’s field of view.

The middle blueprint is interlinked to the hitbox death check enemy when the event is tick is check for every second that two thing which is link with a blue print sequence that the player current health is greater than if this condition is true then the enemy dies the second execute blue is so that the enemy takes damage to the enemy health bar.

The top blue is connected to the enemy death hit blueprint as this make it so when player is damaged two branched to a conditions if is enemy overlapping with player if true then player with the first branch the second brach condition is check for enemy dead this make it so that if the enemy is overlapping with player is true then enemy is dead this check the conditions making sure the enemy is overlap with player character then check if enemy is dead. This cast to blueprint third person allow to target/ object the player character so it know to kill player character do this once with the do once blueprint set the current health to take away the value for the variable current health this will allow to take set amount of health away from player when the enemy is overlapping with player then on set variable of current health at the end is a delay blueprint so that the player does not take health consistently so the player health goes down in three segments then the end execute is connected to the rest execute for do once blueprint this allows it to play in a loop.

The enemy death blueprint is to make it so that the enemy dies when player hit for example their hitbox. This blueprint allows for when enemy is dead do once so the enemy does not keep dying the end execute connected to this disable the movement target the enemy character movement so when the enemy dies the enemy stops moving set this with collison enable (make sure to click the drop down menu changing it to collision enabled) targeting the mesh of the enemy character the set collison will allow the character to collided with objects connect the execute of set collision is link to set simulate physics connect the mesh to target the blueprint set simulate physics with will allow to get real world physics and apply that to enemy character make sure to tick the check box next to simulate this will simulate gravity of object in the world. after set simulate physics when want the set variable of is enemy dead with at the end of this we set collision enable and set using drop down menu to no collision with the target execute targeting capsule component. This allows the enemy after dying to the enemy will no longer able to have collision with other objects when he dies. At the end of this i added a set hidden in game blueprint targeting the enemy icon which will hide the enemy icon when player death has occured.

Here are the the created variables, components or materials that are i used in my blueprint the AI, UI, player control mechanics these following variables are created so that the blueprint know what to target, object or condition is interlinked to the blueprints themselves this allows the print to communicate to that specific component.

Here is my 3D modeled and textured stone wall for trial of tartrus game in the location commons area/environment of the game.